Chapter 7: Graph Algorithms

Section 7.2 Euler Path and Hamiltonian Circuit

Euler Path

An Euler path in a graph G is a path that uses each arc of G exactly once.

Euler's Theorem for Undirected Graph

What does Even Node and Odd Node mean?

1. The number of odd nodes in any graph is even.

2. An Euler path exists in a graph if there are zero or two odd nodes.
If there are zero odd node, then the euler path can begin at any node and will end at the same node.
If there are two odd nodes, the euler path will begin at one odd node and end at the other odd node.

3. If a graph has more than 2 odd nodes, then it has no Euler paths.

#Odd Vertices Euler Path?
0 Yes
2 Yes
4,6,8 ... NO
1,3,5 ... No Such Graphs Exist!!!


3. There are zero odd nodes. Yes, it has euler path. (eg: 1,2,6,3,1,4,6,5,1)

4. There are zero odd nodes. Yes, it has euler path. (eg: 1,2,4,1,5,4,6,2,3,6,5,3,1)


Hamiltonian Circuit

A Hamiltonian circuit in a graph is a cycle using every node of the graph. A Hamiltonian circuit is a circuit that visits every vertex once with no repeats.
No efficient algorithm has ever been found to determine if a Hamiltonian circuit exists.

Hamiltonian circuit problem can be solved for a given graph by trial and error. The algorithm is as follows: Start from one node of the graph and try some paths by choosing various arcs. If the path results in a repeated node, it is not a cycle, so throw it away and try a different path. If the path can be completed as a cycle, then see whether it visited every node; if not, throw it away and try a different path. Continue in this fashion until all possible paths have been tried or a Hamiltonian circuit has been found. The trial-and-error approach is theoretically possible, but it is practically impossible! In all but the smallest of graphs, there will simply be too many paths to try.


3. No, it has no Hamiltonian circuit.

4. Yes, it has Hamiltonian circuit. (eg: 1,4,2,6,3,5,1)


1. Do the following graph have Euler path?
2. Do the following graph have Hamiltonian circuit?


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